Friday, 10 December 2010

Albert Einstein

(General Relativity and Special Relativity)

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Einstein and relativity theory at the right time comes, if it is associated with the development history of nations in the world. Proverbial shoots in love, side dish arrived. The development is the rise of modern Germany, the birth of nuclear weapons, and the birth of Zionism. These events do more to explain about the development of modern Germany. But the German position at that time very influential and has influenced world civilization that was hit by the second world war. This fact is important to note, because of the emergence of Einstein and his theory of relativity was so phenomenal. If only the theory of relativity appeared in the 20th century, it may be there is a difference that is so fundamental and public response will show a different reaction.

Some of the things pertaining to Einstein's personal life also need to leverage writers.As a scientist phenomenal figure, Einstein's life and personality into the interesting part to be discussed. Perhaps until now only a figure of Einstein are able menggangkat like a scientist profile celebrities and public figures. Its appearance always attracts public attention, especially for the hunter news.
Admiration of people on the work of Einstein expressed in many ways. Comments President of the Royal Society, J.J. Thomson (British, 1856-1940), at a meeting to discuss the results of a solar eclipse pictures to test Einstein's theories are eventually proven otherwise, "This is the most important results obtained in connection with the theory of gravitation since Newton's era and is one of the highest achievement everachieved by the human brain. "
In 1999, Time magazine called Einstein as "Person of the Century" or the people of this century. To appreciate them, a unit in the photochemical named Einstein, a chemical element named einsteinium, and a named asteroid 2001 Einstein.

In 2005, Union of Pure and Applied Physics (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP), at the request of the European Physical Society (Europian Physical Sociaty, EPS), and the United Nations (Union Nations Organization, UNO) declared as the World Year of Physics. This celebration is to remind the world about the importance of the role of science in human life and urged all nations to increase appreciation of the human effort in uncovering the secrets of the universe and the universe. In Princeton, New Jersey, United States, the celebration of 100 years of "Annus Mirabilis" (Extraordinary Year) works great and Einstein's death, held a series of popular lectures for the public about the great works of Einstein, along with interesting physics demonstrations, with a peak laser show event on April 18.

Albert Einstein, a scientist descendant of a Jewish family, was born in the city of Ulm, Wurttemberg, an old town on the fertile banks of the River Danube, Germany, about 100 km east of Stuttgart, on Friday, March 14, 1879. Ulm is located in the Swabian Alps foothills, just meeting the river Blau and Illen which then blend with the river Danube. Albert was the first child and only son of Hermann Einstein, a salesman feather bed which then undergo electrochemical work of his wife Pauline Koch Jewish nation. They married in Stuttgard-Bad Cannstatt.

Einstein's childhood did not show signs of his genius. Even small Einstein often sick, which delayed speech, like mad and throw things, and suffer from Asperger's syndrome associated with autism. In addition, the unusual shape of his head, probably caused by dyslexia, shyness or because the structure of the rare and unusual in his brain studied after his death. Until the age of 3 years Albert has not been able to speak, but his interest in science and mathematics have grown since childhood.

One thing to be a turning point in Einstein's life will be of interest to science, particularly physics, is when he got a gift of a compass from his father. Flavor so tempestuous as the direction a compass needle that always points north. Since then, the instinct of a scientist who thirst for an answer on something that is mysterious to him.

Academic achievement during the school may be somewhat mediocre. It does not even show that one day he would become a young scientist genius. Got in an entrance examination to the Federal Institute of Technology named Eidgenoessische Technische Hochscule (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, he failed. In 1896, Einstein received a diploma from high school in Aarau when he was 17 years old, and studied at the Institute of Technology Zurich, majoring in science and mathematics.

Einstein's closest friends during college was Marcel Grossman, Michele Angelo Besso and Mileva Maric, a Hungarian descent who would become his first wife.Mileva gave three offspring for Eintein, Lieserl, Hans Albert and Eduard "Tede".Lieserl born before the official Einstein married Mileva. Hans Albert became a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of California, the United States.Eduard died at a hospital in Switzerland in 1965 after years of suffering from schizophrenia.

Einstein's second marriage to his cousin, Elsa widow in June 1919, conducted four months after his divorce from Mileva. Einstein died on April 18, 1955 in the United States, at the age of 76 years, after undergoing treatment for heart disease.

Brief description of the personal figure of Einstein was a genius who was less consistent on the issue of citizenship. Several times he had changed citizens until finally chose the United States as a citizen until his death.Even he had to have dual nationality, Switzerland and Germany, at the same time.Actually it can be understood when looking at career journey and less harmonious relationship between himself and the German government in power at that time.Although Einstein had been undergoing marriage twice, but often on various occasions he was more comfortable in solitude. Its livelihood will soon be able to soon turned serious when his theory was engaged. But beyond that he is also known figure of the humanist who loathed war. As the author gave at the top, genius, scientific career and his involvement in the political world because of three key events that underlie the historical development of modern Germany.

Scientific career started since Einstein graduated from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, with a degree in science and math majors. At that time in 1900 and 21-year-old Einstein. Once dismissed as an assistant lecturer at the university where he used to lecture, Einstein finally got a job as a mathematics teacher at the Technical High School in Winterthur, besides that he also taught at private school in Schaffhausen.
Einstein's use of free time to do personal research and writing. The result of his writings that he submitted to scientific journals to look forward to publication. In 1901 he had sent a paper to the university of Zurich and hope to get a promotion for a Ph.D., but was rejected.
The assistance recommendations Grossman's father, a career the next Einstein in the Patent Office in Bern in June 1902. His job is to examine and record the patent requests filed by the inventor in Switzerland with the rank of Engineer Grade Three.The work gives a lot of time to conduct his own research. In Einstein's office was considered accomplished and gained promotion to board positions.

Einstein resigned from the Patent Bureau in 1909 after seven years working there.The reason for his resignation since accepted a position as assistant professor Alfred Wolfer, a former teacher in the field of astrophysics and astronomy, at the Federal Polytechnic Institute (ETH), Zurich. Two years later, Einstein was appointed as a professor at the Karl-Ferdinand University in Prague, Czechoslovakia. In Prague, Einstein only lasted for a year, in 1912 he returned again to the university of Zurich to serve as a full professor. In 1913, Einstein obtained a job at the Kaiser Wilhelm Ins88titut in Berlin, so he can conduct research freely without fear of lack of money and routine obligations.

Einstein returned to Germany in 1914 to conduct research at the Prussian Academy of Science and became Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics in Berlin as well as professor of theoretical physics at the University of Berlin.

In 1915 an early debut in the political world by Einstein signed the "Manifesto to Europeans" and proposed the establishment of a European League to seek peace among the nations there.
Since that time Einstein began Bernard Medal and was awarded the prestigious prize for the top prize Photoelectric effect in 1921. In the same year the first time, Einstein started his visit to the United States in 1921 in order to raise money for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He also received an offer as a lecturer at the University of the United States.

In 1922 Einstein accepted as a member of the Committee on International Scientific cooperation in the League of Nations. Two years later, Einstein was enrolled as a member of the Berlin Jewish Community. Einstein's support of Zionism movement, to the resurrection of the Jewish, is from the years 1925-1928, he became a member of the management board of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he inherited a collection of scientific works.

In the beginning, Einstein was not involved in the movement of Zionism. But there deskriminisi that led to the slaughter of German Jewish descent, especially when the Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler (German, 1889-1945) to power in Germany.
Einstein often travel visits to several countries such as Japan, China, France and Palestine. In 1925 he was awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society. Together Mohandes Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (Indian, 1869-1948) and a number of other figures, Einstein signed a manifesto calling for the elimination of forced military service.

Year 1926 was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society. In 1927 Einstein attended the Fifth Solvay Conference and began to develop theories quantumnya together with colleagues Niels Hendrik David Bohr (Danish, 1885-1962).

Planck Medal, a prestigious award for physics, awarded to Einstein in 1929. At that time he was 50 years old. He also signed a manifesto calling for disarmament of the world in 1930. The manifesto was initiated by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

In the span of time between the years 1920 to 1930, Einstein was a lot of travel to give lectures to various countries. Friendship not only with the scientific community alone, as well as prominent politicians and other famous figures from various countries such as America, France, China, Scandinavia, 88Spanyol, England, Japan, Belgium, etc.. He became the first person to visit the communist Soviet Union.Appointed as the first honorary citizen of Tel Aviv and New York City.

During 1933 Einstein made their way into Europe as the Oxford, Glasgow, Brussels and Zurich. October 17, 1933, Einstein and his family left Germany to the United States. At that time the Nazi secret police to search his family summer cottage in Caputh, near Berlin. Einstein was able to return to Europe for the help his friend the King and Queen of Belgium, complete with police escort Belgium.

For her work since 1901, he finally got an offer to teach in Jerusalem, Leiden, Oxford, Madrid and Paris. In 1935 gain permanent residency in the United States and lived in Priceton, New Jersey, assuming he can work in the Advanced Study.

Einstein knew that at Peenemunde German scientists developed the atomic bomb.Starting from 1938 with the success of Otta Hahn (German, 1879-1968) and Lise Meitner (Austrian, 1878-1968) split into two uranium nuclei. This success was supported earlier when Max Planck (German, 1858-1947) with the famous formula E = mc ² Einstein stating the results of the latent energy of the atom. These findings reveal the possibility of energy use that has been locked in the nuclei. Liberation of these nuclei will produce a nuclear reaction that produces incredible explosive power.Then on August 9, 1939, Einstein wrote a letter that was sent to the President of the United States to-32, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), who reminded the president will likely make the German atomic bomb and called for nuclear used for research, not for war. Responding to the letter of President Roosevelt began the Manhattan Project to develop leadership of Julian Robert Oppenheimer to manufacture atomic bombs. The existence of the letter and the formula E = mc ² was linking Einstein's involvement in the production of atomic bombs that blow up American Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and killed 120,000 people.

Einstein was a devout pacifist who turned one hundred percent for Germany during Hitler felt the cruelty of power. And finally regained consciousness after learning that Hitler was not capable of making atomic bombs, and convince the U.S. to build an atomic bomb that took hundreds of thousands of lives.
In 1943 Einstein was appointed as an expert adviser for arms business in the United States Navy. Eintein President had rejected Israel's offer to replace the previous president who died in 1952. The rejection was due to Einstein felt that position was not relevant to their expertise.

Einstein's footsteps as a scientist has been started since the year 1901 at the age of 22 years, by publishing his first scientific paper entitled "Conclusion down from the phenomenon of capillarity" in Munich, and conduct research in the same year of gas which then makes the dissertation material PhD at ETH Zurich for his PhD in 1905 with a thesis entitled "On a new determination of molecular dimensions." Actually, Einstein had begun to write scientific papers since 1900 and had published.

Albert Einstein, German-United States citizen, in June 1905, at the age of 26 years have contributed to the advancement of science, through his work in "Annalen der Physik" or Germany Physics Journal of five important papers, including about the theory of special relativity. Authors will only describe briefly the fifth paper, without meaning to rule out some other Einstein's work.

Paper first published in March, about the application of radiation incidenton the photoelectric effect. This paper is the Conductor of light quantum hypothesis based on Boltzmann statistics. The photoelectric effect is the expenditure of electrons from a surface (usually metal) when subjected to, and absorb electromagnetic radiation (such as visible light and ultraviolet radiation) that is above the threshold frequency depending on the type of surface. Long term for the photoelectric effect is the effect of Hertz, which is currently not in use anymore. Explanation of the photoelectric effect is what menghantarkannya the Nobel prizes in 1921.

In April, the next paper entitled "Einen und die Erzengen Vermandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunk", discusses how Einstein expand Planck hypothesis about the characteristics of perception and transmitting discontinuity of atomic radiation on the nature of the atom itself.

Paper entitled "Die von der Theorie der Warme molekulaskinetischen gefordenten Bewegung von Teilchen in ruhenden Flusigkeiten suspended", published May, a third paper. This paper describes the development of Brownian motion that detect how the molecule with no flow and the absence of other external influences keep moving molecules. Einstein get a formula which links the Brownian motion with the motion of particles crushed by the fluid molecules in which the floating particles. Einstein used kinetic theory of liquids by providing empirical evidence on the basis of observations and experiments about atomic reality just by looking through the ordinary microscope.

The fourth paper in June, discusses the Special Theory of Relativity, published under the title "Electrodynamics Moving Objects." Paper is what is considered quite important as changing the Newtonian concept of absolute time and space or absolute. Einstein changed the terms of reference with the postulate that the speed of light in empty space that is absolute, regardless of speed or frame of reference of the observer. The question this begs the question of motion for Einstein: What about the objects contained in space? Is it true that space and time have no effect? Is it true that the masses are still not affected the velocity of the object? Problems that are solved Einstein's theory of relativity.

The last paper in September, titled "Inertia Things Are Dependent on the Energy Content?". This paper describes the mass-energy equivalence. Einstein explained the concept that the mass of an object is a quantity that measures the energy contained therein. This concept he claimed again in 1907 in the form of a famous physics equation. This formula explains the concept of equality of the mass of an object (m) is the energy content (E), while c is the speed of light in a vacuum (c <300,000 kilometers per second). This formulation which will open opportunities for the development of nuclear power.

In 1905 became the most productive year for Einstein. In just a matter of months, he was able to finish his Ph.D. thesis, published two original scientific papers on the theory of relativity. Most of Einstein's work uses mathematical formulas that are very complicated and can only be understood by some people with high mathematical ability. Even at the beginning of the launch of his work, many parties and even scientists, who tend to ignore the work of Einstein. No more this happens due to the complexity of the mathematical formulas in his work is so is not easy to understand.
Between 1906 and 1910, published 26 papers on various topics in Physics include Atomic and Molecular Physics, Solid Substance, Radiation Statistics, Realtivistik Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics.

In August 1916, Einstein published his writings about the "Basics of General Relativity", which links gravity with the structure of space and time. In this theory Einstein gravity reveal about modern paradigm, testing and terapannya in astronomy and cosmology, delivered before the Prussian Academy of Sciences. The force of gravity can be thought of as a curved space-time around the objects so that adjacent mass tends to move toward him, just like marbles moving rolled into the base hole shaped like a bowl.

In the 90 pieces of its publication in 1911 s.d. 1920, about the basics and general relativistas development paradigm, physics of molecules / atoms, thermodynamics, photochemistry, radiation interactions quantum and materials, including on General Relativity. In 1916 Einstein wrote a book entitled "Relativity, The Special and General Theory".

In 1912 began his research on a new phase of gravity with the help of some friends.Events of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended World War II in August 1945 is often associated with Einstein's special theory of relativity because the inspiration and general Einstein in the making of the atom bomb.

Integrated Field Theory (Unfield Field Theory) which was formulated in 1929 Einstein tried to combine quantum theory and relativity. This theory attempts to explain the properties of light as waves and particles. With the belief that nature has the order and harmony, Einstein built a single physical laws that can be used, either to the macrocosm and microcosm. This theory is almost completed by the Einstein in 1949 in the twilight of his life, but still far from expectations. Until the end of his life, Einstein was still not finished completely resolve the Integrated field theory.

Between 1921 s.d. 1940, carrying 151 pieces Einstein's publication contains the development, implementation and dissemination paradigm of General Relativity, Light Emission in the elementary process of the Stern-Gerlach and Compton effect, the various versions of the Integrated Field Theory (Einstein with nonsimetrisnya metric field, with field tera Weyl (gauge Feel it ), and Kauza with increased dimensions that accommodate the interaction of symptoms).

Between the years 1941-1949 there are 22 pieces of Einstein's publications include cosmology and astrophysics, the expanding universe model, science and religion, metaphysics of quantum mechanics and a realist.

Formulation of energy equivalent to mass and the square of the speed of light,, predicts nothing can move faster than light. Nobel Prize in 1921 to give recognition for his intelligence for the benefit of mankind, through his ministry in Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discoveries concerning the law of the photoelectric effect.


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